Women's Space @ Laurel Place

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We deliver Centrelink social security payments and services to Australians.
Information regarding emergency payment, job seeker, & family support.

(Suncoast Cooloola Outreach Prevention and Education)
has been established to reduce the occurrence and impact of domestic and family violence.
From Caloundra to Gympie and the Hinterland.
Services include:
Outreach counselling, information and referral
Domestic and family violence court support
Community education and awareness
Counselling for adults
Women on the Move - group work for women affected by domestic and family violence
Safety Upgrades Program
Women’s Legal Service is a specialist community legal centre providing free legal and social work help to people who live and identify as women in Queensland.We assist women in the areas of family law, child support, child protection, domestic violence and some areas of sexual assault as well as providing community legal education and participating in law reform. Click here for the website or here to call.
"A community committed to social justice and collective wellbeing"
Caloundra Community Centre Inc offers a range of support services and programs from the Caloundra Community Centre & Baringa Community Centre for Caloundra and the southern Sunshine Coast Hinterland.